The Vietnam Bank for Social Policies plays a crucial role in poverty reduction lending, supporting people in escaping poverty sustainably. This article provides detailed information about preferential loan programs, procedures, and borrowing conditions.
The Vietnam Bank for Social Policies (VBSP) acts as a vital bridge, bringing preferential loans to the poor and other policy beneficiaries. Through poverty reduction lending programs, VBSP helps people access necessary capital for economic development and livelihood improvement, thereby contributing to sustainable poverty reduction. The diverse loan programs cater to the needs of various groups, from poor and near-poor households to newly escaped poverty households. Easier access to loans empowers people with opportunities to invest in production, business, job creation, and income generation.
To borrow from VBSP, individuals need to meet specific conditions, depending on the particular loan program. Generally, these conditions include: belonging to poor, near-poor, or other policy beneficiary groups; having a feasible project or production and business plan; demonstrating repayment ability; and possessing collateral (depending on the program). Loan procedures have been simplified for easier access. Required documents include a loan application, national identity card, household registration book, documents proving eligibility, and a production and business plan.
Similar to the preferential credit policy for poor households, this program also aims to support people in difficult circumstances.
Simplified loan procedures at the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies provide easy access for people.
VBSP implements various poverty reduction loan programs with preferential interest rates, targeting different groups. Some notable programs include: loans for poor households, loans for near-poor households, student loans, loans for agricultural production development, and loans for clean water and rural sanitation. Each program has varying loan amounts, interest rates, and loan terms, tailored to the needs and capabilities of each target group. This offers people more choices to access suitable funding.
For those interested in student loans from the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies, VBSP also has a dedicated support program.
VBSP’s poverty reduction lending policies have achieved positive results, contributing to reducing poverty rates and improving people’s lives, especially in rural areas. Many households have escaped poverty thanks to access to preferential loans and household economic development. These policies also contribute to local socio-economic development, job creation, and income generation for people.
Poverty reduction lending by the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies is a crucial policy, contributing to supporting people in escaping poverty sustainably. Through preferential loan programs and simplified procedures, VBSP has been helping millions of people improve their lives and develop their economies. Continuing to improve and expand poverty reduction lending programs will significantly contribute to the country’s poverty eradication efforts. Like students borrowing from the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies, many groups have benefited from this policy.
For assistance, please contact Phone Number: 0968239999, Email: Or visit us at: TT36 – CN9 Road, Tu Liem Industrial Zone, Phuong Canh Ward, Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi. We have a 24/7 customer service team.
Chúng Tôi luôn muốn trao đến tay khách hàng một sản phẩm tâm đắc nhất, một chiếc XE TẢI tốt nhất mà mọi người luôn muốn sở hữu.