Decoding the Mystery: What Does a Red CK License Plate Mean in Vietnam?
Decoding the Mystery: What Does a Red CK License Plate Mean in Vietnam?

Decoding the Mystery: What Does a Red CK License Plate Mean in Vietnam?


“Red plate, king’s car” – this common saying among Vietnamese long-haul drivers raises questions about its truth. Are you curious about the real meaning of a “red CK license plate”? Let’s unravel this mystery with!

The Meaning of a Red CK License Plate

Legal and Practical Perspectives

A red CK license plate is issued to foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) operating in Vietnam. “CK” stands for “Công ty khác” or “Other Company” – a legal term used to distinguish them from domestic Vietnamese companies.

Red CK license plate on a carRed CK license plate on a car

According to traffic expert Robert Peterson (California State University of Transportation, USA), using distinct license plates for FIE vehicles is a common practice worldwide. It facilitates government agencies in monitoring these companies’ operations.

Spiritual and Feng Shui Beliefs

In Vietnamese culture, the color red symbolizes luck, fortune, and prosperity. Therefore, many believe that owning a car with a red CK license plate will bring business advantages. However, according to Feng Shui expert Nguyen Van An (Ho Chi Minh City), a license plate’s meaning also depends on other factors like the number sequence and the car’s manufacturing year.

Addressing Common Questions About Red CK License Plates

Do Red CK License Plates Grant Special Privileges?

In reality, red CK license plates do not confer any special privileges. All vehicles must abide by the same traffic laws. The notion of “red plate, king’s car” is a baseless rumor.

How Can One Obtain a Car with a Red CK License Plate?

To own a car with a red CK license plate, you must establish a foreign-invested enterprise in Vietnam and meet all legal requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do vehicles with red CK license plates receive priority in traffic?

No. All vehicles are equal under the law.

2. Are red CK license plates more prestigious than regular ones?

A license plate’s value lies not in its color but in its number sequence and individual preferences.

3. Is buying or selling a car with a red CK license plate more complicated than one with a white plate?

The process is somewhat more complex due to the transfer of ownership involving an FIE.


“Red CK license plates” do not hold any special spiritual meaning or power, contrary to popular belief. They are simply license plates designated for FIE vehicles for regulatory purposes.

To learn more about other types of Vietnamese license plates, such as special-use plates or personalized plates, you can explore other articles on our website.

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